Online gallery

The Åmell collection contains over 3000 works of art available for rent. Our online gallery below shows a selection of contemporary art, photography, modernist and classical painting, and sculpture.

the images are cropped.
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Lisa Manner (born 1979)

Ravine, Oil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm, 2011

Linn Fernström (born 1974)

Flight trials, oil on canvas, 211 x 301 cm, 2014

Carl Hammoud (born 1976)

"The Convention", oil on canvas, 70 x 80 cm, 2005

Denise Grünstein (born 1950)

Dear Prudence 1a, c-print, 94 x 72 cm

Johan Bergström Hyldahl (born 1984)

Courage, c-print, 185 x 125 cm

Denise Grünstein (born 1950)

Dear Prudence 4a, c-print, 94 x 72 cm

AKAY & KP (born 1969, 1974)

Secrets, C-print, 100 x 140 cm

Sirous Namazi (born 1970)

Flasher, c-print, 70 x 100 cm

AKAY & KP (born 1969, 1974)

Kaos, C-print, 100 x 140 cm

Peter Frie (born 1947)

The view belongs to everyone, oil on canvas, 119 x 89 cm

Andreas Eriksson (born 1975)

Baumreflex, oil on canvas, 75 x 60 cm

Håkan Rehnberg (born 1953)

Mr Scheiermacher's last dream, Oil on acrylic glass, 125 x 100 cm

Kristina Bength (born 1984)

Sliding scenes, watercolour, 250 x 117 cm, 2012

Oskar Korsár (born 1977)

Badgästen, Ink on paper, 97 x 117 cm, 2008

Cecilia Edefalk (born 1954)

Nose, oil on canvas, 60 x 40 cm, 1994

Tova Mozard (born 1978)

Clifton's II, c-print, 95 x 113 cm

Marie Andersson (born 1962)

House II, photography, 40x40 cm

Dawid (Björn Dawidsson) (born 1949)

Comme des garcons 2004, Pigment print, 100 x 80 cm

Rolf Wertheimer (born 1930)

First sky scraper almost done, Pigment print, 50 x 34 cm

Rolf Wertheimer (born 1930)

Kungsträdgården 1964, Pigment print, 32,5 x 50 cm, 1966/2015

Rolf Wertheimer (born 1930)

Nationalmuseum, Pigment print, 33 x 50 cm, 1965

Lennart Durehed (born 1950)

Rone harbour, Gelatin silver photography 30 x 24 cm, 1981

Åke E:son Lindman (born 1953)

Villa Barbaro, Maser, Archival pigment print, 100 x 80 cm, 1999/2000

Åke E:son Lindman (born 1953)

Wien, Zaha Hadid, C-print, 130 x 107 cm, 2007

Gunnar Smoliansky (1933-2019)

Kungsträdgården, Gelatin silver photography, 18,5 x 18,5 cm

Cecilia Edefalk (born 1954)

Selfportrait - 1993, gelatin silver photograph, 70 x 52 cm

Hans Gedda (born 1942)

Addi the white clown, Circus Scott, Gelatin silver photograph, 29 x 29 cm, 1976

Olle Baertling (1911-1981)

Kia, Colour serigraphy, 59,5 x 93,5 cm, 1974-80

Ole Schwalbe (1929−1990)

Colour chords, oil on panel, 45 x 45 cm, 1952

Olle Bonniér (1925−2016)

Expansion, oil and sand on canvas, 100,5 x 86 cm, 1956

Gunnar Löberg (1893–1950)

Still life with penguin, oil on canvas 61 x 61 cm, 1929

Gunnar Löberg (1893–1950)

Still life and foot, oil on canvas, 50 x 61 cm, 1930

Gunnar Löberg (1893–1950)

Still life and head, oil on canvas, 50 x 61 cm, 1931

Henri Sert (1938-1964)

Figures with red background, pastel, 61,5 x 48 cm

Henri Sert (1938-1964)

Figure, Pastel on felt, 62 x 47,5 cm, 1960

Henri Sert (1938-1964)

Praying woman, oil on canvas, 80 x 65 cm, 1961

Sven X:et Erixson (1899-1970)

Women's labour in Portugal, Oil on canvas, 109 x 126 cm, 1937-41

Uno Vallman (1913-2004)

View of the Old Town, oil on canvas, 350 x 408 cm, 1953

Hilding Linnqvist (1891−1984)

Spring Rain, Oil on canvas, 60 x 81 cm

John Jon-And (1889–1941)

Stage clothes in black, white, grey and silver, mixed media, 27 x 21 cm

Isaac Grünewald (1889-1946)

King Solomon and Morolf, Gouache, ink and pencil on paper, 34 x 21 cm, 1922

Isaac Grünewald (1889-1946)

Nude study, ink, 34,5 x 22 cm

Nils Kreuger (1858−1930)

Old house in Katarina, oil on canvas, 190 x 135 cm, 1899

Gustav Vilhelm Palm (1810–1890 )

View of the Palazzo Cá d'Oro in Venice, Oil on canvas, 54,5 x 80 cm, 1874

Anna Palm (1859–1924)

View of the Grand Hotel and the Bolinderska Palace, watercolour and Chinese white, 20.5 x 30.5 cm, executed in the 1890s.

Alfred Wahlberg (1834–1906)

By the river: sunset, oil on panel, 27 x 41 cm

Oscar Törnå (1842-1894)

Landscape, oil on canvas, 81 x 119 cm, 1893

Artur Bianchini (1869-1955)

Summer view from Sandhamn, oil on canvas, 42 x 67 cm

August Malmström (1829 – 1901)

Virtue (restoration of order), oil on panel, 36 x 27 cm

Ferdinand Fagerlin (1825–1907)

Leise Anfrage (A silent request), Oil on canvas, 56 x 50 cm

Pehr Hilleström (1733–1816)

Scene from Gustav III's "Helmfelt", Oil on canvas, 70 x 62 cm

Jan Wildens (1586–1653)

The Bear Hunt, Oil on canvas, 173 x 232 cm

Moses Haughton II (1772-1848)

Still life with dead birds, oil on panel, 61 x 45 cm, 1801

Giorgio Lucchesi (1855−1941)

Still life with wild boar, hare and birds, oil on canvas, 120 x 170 cm, 1911

Mette Björnberg (born 1963)

Before everything falls I, II, Painted wood, mixed media, height 280 cm, 2014

Andreas Gedin (born 1958)

Quotation mark, beeswax, 16,5 x 10 cm

Sirous Namazi (born 1970)

patterns of failure, glass, 170 x 17 cm, 2006

Lars Englund (born 1933)

Pars Pro Toto, Sintered steel, height 210 cm. Made in the 1970s.

Katrine Helmersson (born 1958)

Wallflower, Bronze, 36 x 36 cm

Torsten Renqvist (1924-2007)

Kangaroo, Bronze, 42 cm

Gert Marcus (1914 – 2008)

The Transformation of Distance - 8 parts, Painted metal on plexiglass base, metal plates 21 x 21 cm, base 184 x 20,5 cm. 1976 and 79.

Gert Marcus (1914 – 2008)

Sphere in colour - with scattered parts, glass, 28 x 32 cm

Gert Marcus (1914 – 2008)

Colour follows form, Painted plexiglass, 74 x 228 x 30 cm

Carl Milles (1875-1955)

Fragment from The Dancers (head), Gold patinated bronze, 35 cm (with stone base 50 cm), 1913-14

Per Hasselberg (1850-1894)

Frog, marble, height 39 cm (with stone base 42 cm).

Anders Jönsson (1883-1965)

Nude woman holding a bunch of grapes, bronze, 45 cm

Jussi Mäntynen (1886–1978)

Rosvoritari (Knight of the Road), Dark patinated bronze, 23 x 30 cm.

Christian Berg (1893−1976)

The old monarch (Gustaf V), Gold patinated bronze, 60 cm

Carl Milles (1875-1955)

Jacob wrestling with the angel, Green patinated bronze, 29 cm



opening hours:

monday-friday 10-18
saturday 12-16